Friday, December 23rd, 2021 from 4pm–7pm
Come meet our artists!
I am quite pleased to announce the first ever Canyon Road Fireside Chat Artist Series! This gentle and intimate event will take place on Friday, December 3rd, from 4pm - 7pm. Each gallery will host an artist or two. Bonfires and Farolitos will variously mark the participating galleries. There will be libations, perhaps s’mores or music, as each gallery sees fit to make their participation unique.
What we love about the Canyon Road Fireside Chat Artist Series: we are heralding the Winter solstice and holiday season with the celebration of art. We are uniting the galleries of Canyon Road through this seasonal celebration of who we are as a district. We are highlighting the wonder of the season with specific artist’s visions. We are recalling the simple pleasures of walking up a farolito-lined pathway, or a camp side chat with a warm fire and libations.
The list of galleries for this year is small but compacted into the mid-section of Canyon Road for easy walking. This will be a most perfect occasion to stroll up the 600-700 blocks as people head off to the top-notch restaurants.
GF Contemporary, 707 Canyon Road.
Giaccobe-Fritz Fine Art, 702 Canyon Road.
Winterowd Gallery, 701 Canyon Road.
Canyon Road Contemporary Art, 622 Canyon Road.
Kay Contemporary, 600 Canyon Road.
Canyon Road has long been a premier destination not only for its concentration of art galleries (about 80 at last count), but also for its beauty and history. The district is beautifully preserved with adobe buildings and walls, old-growth trees, and historic landmarks as it winds itself up the canyon to the Sangre de Cristo mountains.The Canyon Road Fireside Chat Artist Series brings together art, history, beauty and the unmatched beauty of the Sangres in Winter for three lovely hours.
GF Contemporary Featured Artist:
Kathleen McCloud
Kathleen McCloud, Fire Sets the Seed, 2021
"My paintings, print-based paper constructions and collages are open ended narratives where current events, history and mythology converge. In 2016 during a water rights themed residency at the Santa Fe Art Institute, I focused on environmental issues on the lower Santa Fe River which flows by my home in La Cieneguilla. it was then that I realized that the river, the cottonwoods and the layered history of the place I call home is a microcosm of the complexity and challenges of life on earth at this time.
"I am working with what is rooted, what is uncertain, patterns of connection and the chaos that accompanies change. It is an epic narrative that restores me to the web of life and cycles back out into the world in the form of mixed media art works." - Kathleen McCloud
Giacobbe Fritz Featured Artist:
Rebecca Haines
Rebecca Haines, Fire Sets the Seed, 2021
Rebecca Haines (born Wyoming, 1968) received an A.A. from Colorado Institute of Art in 1991, and a B.F.A. from Metropolitan State College of Denver in 2000. She spent more than 15 years working as the director of galleries in Colorado, California, and New Mexico, and now works as a professional artist full-time. Haines is represented by galleries in Jackson Hole, Wyoming and Santa Fe, New Mexico. She mixes oil paint and grease markers to shape her dream-like and highly spiritual fauna on wood surfaces, using mark-making and abstract color choices to represent the animal’s essence. Rebecca Haines currently lives and works in Santa Fe, New Mexico.