Past: Gigi Mills / Prima Materia
GF Contemporary invites you to an artist reception to meet painter and sculptor Gigi Mills and view her new works, Friday, September 20, from 5-7 p.m.
In a world filled with spectacular visual effects, instagram influencers and an endless stream of images that incessantly vie for our attention, where do we turn to find the images that once storied our imaginations with awe and wonder. Many of us try to turn to art or science to help explain the inscrutable, the mysteries or the voice of angels. Along the way we learn there are no easy answers, and the way Gigi Mills’ sees it, there really shouldn’t be. We don’t need the unexplained revealed, rather we need to go deeper into our confusion and see what lurks beneath our beliefs and guiding principles. Mills wants you to look directly into the event horizon and embrace the longing and loneliness we all carry. - Mark Oppenheimer
Please join us on Friday, September 20th, from 5 to 7 p.m. at GF Contemporary, 707 Canyon Road, Santa Fe.